RowShare Tables
What can I find on the RowShare homepage?
When you are logged in your RowShare account, the Home Page is where you can find your tables and the most useful settings and shortcuts. You can find 3 main sections in this page: In the Top Toolbar…
What are the basics of RowShare?
Within RowShare, your preferred page or at least most visited page is without any doubt the table page. Here are its main components: Name of the table: With RowShare, a table is not a file. It is th…
How to create a RowShare table?
RowShare offers 4 ways to create tables to share with your co-workers: from our templates catalog, a custom table, from an Excel file or by copying an existing RowShare table. From Our Template Catal…
How to transfer rows between your RowShare tables?
You can copy or move rows from a table to another with our row Transfer feature. It's really simple to use. Just ensure that both tables have the same structure. It can be very useful to archive some…
How does the RowShare form view work?
By default, RowShare displays data as tables. But it can also display each row as a form: it's the Form View. To load a specific row, right click on a row, then on Form view: In this view, each row o…
How do RowShare notifications work?
RowShare sends 4 types of notifications: System Notifications , Marketing Communications , Reminders and Table Notifications. This page covers specifically Table Notifications. These notifications le…
How do RowShare custom views work?
Custom views let you save how you want tables to be displayed. That way, you can focus on what matters to you. Views can also be shared to ensure that other users will access the table in the most ef…
How to add, modify and delete rows?
Add and Edit Rows. To add a new row, click on the + sign at the bottom of your screen: Right-click on any row to reveal the row menu: Depending on your permissions on the table and the level of your…