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What system notifications can RowShare send me?

This section is about system and payment notifications. You can not unsubscribe from these notifications, that include: New account confirmation. Password reset request. Notification that you have be…

Antoine Driard
Updated by Antoine Driard

This section is about system and payment notifications. You can not unsubscribe from these notifications, that include:

  • New account confirmation
  • Password reset request
  • Notification that you have been invited by someone else to RowShare
  • Subscription End warnings and final notification
  • Payment and invoice related notifications

The reason why you can not unsubscribe from these notifications is because they are mandatory to operate RowShare and let you know about critical operations happening on your account.

RowShare also sends emails you can unsubscribe from:

How did we do?

How to manage your subscription?

What communications can I receive from RowShare?
